Model and Ms. Priti - the most creative genius of my times, hair stylist, costume and make up artistFor a day you're dressed up, like you were made to look like that forever. For a day your painted face would reveal the truth. For a day you'd feel like a star.
And you'll know what Mr. Shahrukh Khan means when he says " My Grandmother used to tell me, 'ज्यादा फोटो मत खीचो। हर फोटो के साथ तीन सेकंड लाइफ के कम हो जाते हैं।' (Don't have too many pictures taken. Each photograph robs you of three seconds of your life.). I want so many cameras taking so many pictures of me at the same time that I only live for a moment. The cameras go khachak! And somebody asks, 'what happened?' And they say, 'He got photographed to death. He got shot.' I think that would be the nicest way to go."
P.S. -Big day on blogosphere, I quote Mr. Shahrukh Khan.