Monday, October 02, 2006

All that sound

For the first time I have this urge to write about something that has just happened. Such is the urge that though on the verge of losing all energy I turn on my computer and bother to sit outside the room for faster internet.

It was the concert night, a favourite band came down from pakistan all the way. I don't like them as people anymore(i never did), but their music is divine...well almost. theyre not really the favourite.

Screamed my lungs out, danced like crazy, was high. Few observations made......those men from the stage look at the women down there and believe it or not therez eye contact made in the midst of all that is going on. It happened all the time. With me too heheheheheeeee......

I was high. But then something happened. The guy said that it was the second last song they were singing, n its one of my favourites. And there I was in the midst of all the noise and people, dumb n still, thinking of him. I didnt want to sing, I didn't want to dance, didn't want to scream.......but did all of it. Because I promised I'd never stop living, for my sake, honestly more so for his sake, somehow believing that by doing this I will save him.

"What to you do to save the one you love"........what do you him how I live....tell him It's a beautiful life.....tell him we don't have to be together, and that I never complain, It doesnt matter to me.......tell him I'd do anything to save him......but how do I save you ever save another do I save him....what to I do, I love you......

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