Sunday, July 13, 2008

Standing tall?

Breathe slow. Acidity in the esophagus, the young doc in the beach town had said. Don't scratch, let the mosquitoes bite. New beautiful hole to live in, you'll get used to the mosquitoes.

So happy and soooo screwed. Both at twenty two. Just kiss the wind and the new curtains, you'll be just fine. Talk to Mommy like you've never been better, you'll be just fine.

Pretty boys. Pretty you. Whoever thought you'd find yourself in a heap of clothes. But you did. La la la la. The supermodel of your own life. Whatever you wear you'll look like queen tomorrow.

Proud so proud. Looks that the only thing that can kill you is your chest bursting open. That proud. So what're you going to do? Stand that tall if the bulldozer runs over you?

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