Monday, November 13, 2006

The lawyer goes to court

Second Day

So, you reach there before anybody else. While they're still cleaning the place and before the corridors are filled with the men in black. Before they're chewing beet all over the place.
You walked all the corridors, peeped every door; the work is yet to begin. Yesterday they told you they hear bail applications early in the mornings. But no sign of any such thing. No sign of the criminal and no sign of the almighty.

You're glad to be on your own, exploring the place. But you know that's not how you will feel when work has begun and when it's all so crowded.

You walked all over, nothing to do now. Time to go back, duty calls. Court No. 10. And you wonder how you're ever going to be a lawyer, now that you've understood how it works. Yoy wonder who's going to make you a lawyer. Damn you. You will be a lawyer if you live that long and you'll be one as long as you want. Alright!! You hear that!!!!!!

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